Legal Notice
Company owning the site
SAS ADMV Simplified joint-stock company with capital of €40,000. Head office (main establishment) : HOTEL BEAU SOLEIL, 70 Quai Leray, 44210 Pornic. Siren : 530367325 RCS Saint-Nazaire Siret : 53036732500012 VAT Number : FR 26530367325 Responsible for publication : Romain VÉTELÉ Phone : +33 (0)2 40 82 34 58 Email :
Website hosting
This site is developed by Litiboost and is hosted on one of Litiboost's servers either at SCALEWAY, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 214,410.50 Euros, SIREN: 433 115 904 RCS Paris, Head office: 8 rue de la Ville l’Evêque, 75008 Paris, Intra-community VAT number: FR 35 433115904, Host: SCALEWAY SAS BP 438 75366 PARIS CEDEX 08 FRANCE, or at the head office of Litiboost, Chemin du Hequeux 44770 La Plaine sur Mer.
LITIBOOST - trademark registered with the INPI - Sole trader : Lionel Tissier Chemin du Héqueux 44770 La Plaine-sur-Mer Siret : 97801223500013 VAT Number : FR20978012235
In application of the French Intellectual Property Code and, more generally, international treaties and agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyright, you are prohibited from reproducing for any use other than private, or from selling, distributing, issuing, broadcasting, modifying, publishing or communicating, in full or in part, in any form whatsoever, the data, presentation or organization of the site without the prior written authorization of SAS ADMV. They are the property of or used by SAS ADMV either with the authorization of their owner, or as a simple indication of products or services offered by SAS ADMV. The reproduction, imitation, use or affixing of the HÔTEL BEAU SOLEIL trademark without the prior authorization of SAS ADMV or their respective owners constitutes an infringement punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of 150 000 euros.
Liability waiver
While every effort has been made to ensure the reliability of the information contained on this website, SAS ADMV cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions, or for any results that may be obtained from the use of this information. The ADMV company is bound only by an obligation of means concerning the information it makes available to persons accessing its website. In addition, the use of hypertext links may lead your consultation of our site to other servers, servers over which SAS ADMV has no control. SAS ADMV cannot be held responsible for the availability of sites that are the subject of a hypertext link from our site, and cannot be held responsible for the content, products, services, etc. available on or from these sites. The creation of a hypertext link to the website requires prior written authorization from ADMV. If you wish to set up a hypertext link to our Site, you must therefore contact our company. In the event of a dispute, the French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
Website access
Access to the Site is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure or an event beyond the control of SAS ADMV, and subject to any breakdowns and maintenance operations necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and related equipment. Access to the service is via a microcomputer connected to a telecommunications network that allows access to the Site using the communication protocols used on the Internet network. SAS ADMV reserves the right to modify and update access to the site at any time.
Photo Credits
All photographs that come from / are provided by: Patrick Gérard / Lionel Tissier / Sandra Beauchet / SAS ADMV / Pixabay. Any reuse of the photos is prohibited except those from Pixabay which are royalty-free.
The logo of our establishment was created by the company Bim'O, represented by Romain Patron
A cookie is a small file stored in your browser when you visit various websites.
According to Article 5(3) of Directive 2002/58/EC amended in 2009, the principle of prior consent of the user is established before storing information on his terminal or accessing information already stored on it EXCEPT if these actions are strictly necessary for the provision of an online communication service expressly requested by the user or have the exclusive purpose of enabling or facilitating communication by electronic means.
With regard to trackers not subject to consent, we can mention: trackers retaining the choice expressed by users on the deposit of trackers; trackers intended for authentication with a service, including those aimed at ensuring the security of the authentication mechanism, for example by limiting robotic or unexpected access attempts; trackers intended to store the contents of a shopping cart on a merchant site or to bill the user for the product(s) and/or service(s) purchased; trackers for customizing the user interface (for example, for the choice of language or presentation of a service), when such customization constitutes an intrinsic and expected element of the service; trackers allowing the load balancing of equipment contributing to a communication service; trackers allowing paying sites to limit free access to a sample of content requested by users (predefined quantity and/or over a limited period); certain audience measurement trackers provided that they meet certain conditions.
This is how our site stores in your browser the choice of the chosen language as well as the visual aspect (day/night) of the page (user interface customization trackers). Thus no consent is required from you concerning this simple use.